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Selected published writing

Reviews and Features

Sung Tieu: Infra Specter, Amant, NYC: The Brooklyn Rail

Innovative Curation in the Digital Age: Christiana Ine-Kimba Boyle: Testudo Editorial

Gordon Matta Clark and Pope L: Impossible Failures, 52 Walker, NYC : The Brooklyn Rail

Carlos Rosales-Silva on Constraints and Community: Testudo Editorial

Avery Z Nelson: Self As Multitude: Testudo Editorial

John Walter: Art Gone Viral: Testudo Editorial

Ani Liu, Cuchifritos Gallery, NYC: The Brooklyn Rail

Donna Huanca: That Togetherness, That Riotous Sensuality: Flaunt Magazine

Jonathan Baldock, Nicelle Beauchene Gallery, NYC: The Brooklyn Rail

Alina Tenser, Hesse Flatow, NYC: The Brooklyn Rail

Jos de Gruyter and Harald Thys, The Venice Biennale: The Brooklyn Rail

A New Job to Unwork At, Participant Inc, NYC: Temporary Art Review

More of An Avalanche, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, UK: MAP Magazine

Visualising Resistance: Andrea Luka Zimmerman, Tyneside Cinema: FAD Magazine

Ian Giles, Entree, Bergen, Norway: Objectiv Journal

Anxious Fun in an Age of Precarity: Garageland Magazine

Ian Giles, Java Project, NYC: Temporary Art Review

In Limbo: Artists and Gentrification: Doggerland Journal

Ed Atkins, Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, NYC: This is Tomorrow

Eva Stenram at Siobhan Davies Studios, London: New York Photography Diary

Tempo Al Tempo, Roman Road Project Space, London: This is Tomorrow

The Disembodied Voice: Doggerland Journal


Artist Statements and Gallery Texts

Anna Ilsley (artist statement)

WAI#2 Composites by Flore Nové-Josserand (contribution to web essay)

Dan Schein at Tom Christoffersen Gallery, Copenhagen (gallery text)

Nadja Kirschgarten (artist statement)

Visitors From Shallow Space at Fresh Window Gallery, NYC (gallery text)


Book Introductions

Penile Papers by Dominic Myatt (MNK Press)

no kissing by Dominic Myatt (MNK Press)

Full CV

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